Hot Ashi: with Erin Poovey

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Must be a licensed massage therapist to enroll. Prerequisites: FasciAshi Fundamentals Learn to use heated flaxseed pillows to perform specific barefoot massage protocols for the client in both a supine and prone position, in Hot Ashi, one of our specialty classes for FasciAshi Fundamentals trained Barefoot Massage Therapists. Hot Ashi is performed through clothing on a […]

ROM: with Erin Poovey

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Must be a licensed massage therapist to enroll. Prerequisites: FasciAshi Fundamentals or previous live beginner ashiatsu training.  With a focus on Active and Resisted Range of Motion techniques, this Stretch Therapy barefoot massage technique allows the Massage Therapist to stand on a massage table and maneuver clients’ limbs using the strong muscles of their legs and hips to […]

Move, Breathe, Roll – Self Massage with Erin Poovey

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Focus: Shoulders - Upper Back - Neck Taking time for self-care is essential. Our Move, Breathe, Roll class is designed not only to help you alleviate pains but to help you down regulate your nervous system to relieve stress and help you rest. We will start our session with self myofascial release, followed by targeted […]


Move, Breathe, Roll – Self Massage with Erin Poovey

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Focus: Hips - Low Back Taking time for self-care is essential. Our Move, Breathe, Roll class is designed not only to help you alleviate pains but to help you down regulate your nervous system to relieve stress and help you rest. We will start our session with self myofascial release, followed by targeted corrective exercise, […]


Fundamentals: with Erin Poovey

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Must be a licensed massage therapist to enroll. No prerequisite needed - other than you MUST be a licensed massage therapist. This class will teach you how to use your feet to provide a full body deep tissue, myofascial release and trigger point work focused ashiatsu barefoot massage session. This class focuses on techniques applied […]

Floating/Mat Sound Bath – Elise Kirkpatrick

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

A space to center your mind, body, and spirit, our Floating Sound Bath workshop is a unique experience that will help set a path and intention for healing this Fall. Instructor Elise Kirkpatrick will lead you through a healing meditative sound bath while you are cocooned in a silk aerial hammock for a grounding reset […]


Intermediate: with Erin Poovey

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Must be a licensed massage therapist to enroll. Prerequisites: FasciAshi Fundamentals or previous live beginner ashiatsu training.  This intermediate ashiatsu barefoot massage class empowers the experienced barefoot massage therapist to work even slower, maintain long sustained pressure holds on trigger points or adhered layers of tissue, and deliver deep myofascial strokes to the anterior and lateral […]

Mommy & Me Massage Class – Erin Poovey

Camino Downtown 123 E Costilla St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Intro into healing Massage for your children – Workshop class – Kids 7 and up Taking time for self-care is essential for not only us but our children as well. this class is designed to help you and your child come together with safe touch & lots of communication to bring you both in to […]
